Membership Application

Membership Application
I own a business and employ no one other than myself. *
Are you a retiree? *
Have you previously been a member of ASI? *
Please contact us for information about Personal membership.
I am 18 – 35 years of age. *
I represent a non-profit lay ministry located in a region outside of the North American Division where there is no active ASI presence. *
Please see information about other types of membership.

Personal Information

Gender *
if applicable
Used for login

Home mailing address

Home physical (shipping) address

Home physical (shipping) address

Business Information

including owner/applicant

Business mailing address

Business mailing address

Business physical (shipping) address

Business physical (shipping) address

Organization Information

including director/applicant

Professional Information

Do you have the authority to hire and fire staff *

Organization mailing address

Organization mailing address

Organization physical (shipping) address

Organization physical (shipping) address

Employment History

What was your professional role? *

Professional Information

Current role *
City, State

Upload Corporate Documents

Be sure they include the required clauses
Articles of Incorporation *

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Bylaws *

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

501(c)(3) determination letter from IRS *

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Charity certification from local government *

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Contact Preferences

Preferred mailing address (fp)
Preferred shipping address (fp)
Preferred methods of contact (fp)

Contact Preferences

Preferred mailing address
Preferred shipping address
Preferred methods of contact

Contact Preferences

Preferred methods of contact (yp)

Personal Evangelism

I am currently involved in the following types of ministry:
I would be interested in volunteering to assist ASI with the following:


Must be pastor's phone, not your own.
Must be pastor's email, not your own

Membership Dues

Billing Address *
Billing Address


Supporting Ministry Guidelines

These guidelines support those working policies of the Seventh-day Adventist Church which have been established to recognize nonprofit organizations that enhance the ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

1. The leaders of supporting ministries shall be members in good and regular standing of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

2. The theological positions of the supporting ministries shall be in harmony with the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In supporting these beliefs, both the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White shall be faithfully consulted.

3. The leaders of supporting ministries shall support and cooperate with the goals and purposes of the Seventh-day Adventist Church by words, actions and publications. Their work shall positively supplement that of the Church in carrying out the gospel commission.

4. Supporting ministry leaders, whether or not ordained, shall not represent their supporting ministry as an official Church project.

5. Supporting ministries shall not solicit or knowingly accept tithe from Seventh-day Adventist church members. They shall encourage their supporters to faithfully return tithe and appropriate offerings through the authorized channels of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

6. Supporting ministries shall make available a formal statement of mission, including plans and objectives.

7. Supporting ministries that accept contributions shall be registered with the appropriate tax bodies as nonprofit organizations and shall provide copies of their annual audited financial statements upon the request of ASI or the North American Division.

I affirm that the entity named below is in compliance with the above listed guidelines.

Having read the purpose and objectives of ASI, and recognizing that my business or profession is a ministry, I desire and pledge to uphold the standards and goals of ASI. I commit my life, office, talents, and strengths to “Sharing Christ in the Marketplace.”